Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?
This question from our baptismal vows applies to our church as well as our wider community. All Angels has opportunities for us each to serve this parish and God. Let Rev. Loree know what you’re drawn to.
The Altar Guild prepares the church, setting out the elements for God’s table and changing the altar hangings according to church season.
The crucifer carries the cross in the procession and can hold the book during the reading of the Gospel.
The Flower Guild prepares flowers for the altar.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) are members of the congregation who vest for the service, read, and assist at the altar as chalice bearers.
Lectors come up and read the scripture passages during worship services.
Ushers hand out worship bulletins, extend a warm welcome to all worshipers, and guide people to the altar rail for communion.
Altar Guild members
Flower Guild members